Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Toilets

The island nation of Singapore is no stranger to cleanliness programs, with laws banning spitting and leaving used gum on objects, but now they have taken it to a new level with the Happy Toilet Program. What exactly is the Happy Toilet Program, you ask. The Happy Toilet Program was created to rate all of Singapore’s 70,000 public restrooms. But again, why? Because as the Restroom Association of Singapore’s president, Jack Sim explains “Today when you go to a public toilet you do not know what to expect inside, sometimes you are very happy but sometimes you are very shocked—disgusted. When toilets are clean, people are happy.” (Click Read More to read more!)

But how are the bathrooms rated? They’re rated on a “five-star” system (Like hotels), a normal restroom that’s clean and stocked will receive a 3-star rating. Want higher? The restroom will have to be designed so that you don’t have to travel a long distance from the toilets to the sinks, it also will have to have a good “Ambiance”; such as having paintings and plants decorating it. If a restroom fails to get at least three stars it won’t be awarded a plaque, and is to be assumed to be in poor condition.

You also best respect their restrooms. Failure to flush a toilet (If you get caught) will result in a $150 dollar fine. And on a related note: Make sure not to pee in an elevator, as many elevators in Singapore are equipped with Urine sensors. Should they detect urine: the Elevator will stop and lock its doors until a police squad arrives. You will then face a hefty $400 fine.

And remember, as Environmental Minister Lim Swee Sim would like to remind you “A country with dirty toilets has no future.” So do you part and go clean the bathroom!

Singapore's very own